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Wicket's Island Buck Moon Ceremony

In ancient mythology the buck is said to hold the ancient knowledge of the cosmic and earth energies, it can move between dimensions and realms. This moon is about bridging our spirit and our bodies with the energies of nature and the creator. We will gather in a circle together to celebrate the energies of the moon, and reconnect with nature. There will be a drum circle, sacred cacao and a sound bath.

Sign Up Here

  • CASH ONLY EVENT $45 per person or prepay on Venmo @Jennifer-DuBerger

  • Please arrive by 5:45 at the Onset Bay Center Flag Pole for 6pm departure from The Onset Bay Center to Wickets Island.

  • We will be shuttled via launch boat to Wickets Island where we will climb stairs and gather on the top of the island. The Ceremony will be at 6:30-9:00pm and then we will head back after. 

  • Please bring a water, blanket or mat to sit on, and flashlight or headlamp. Please bring an instrument for the drum circle and dress in layers.

July 20

Safe Ingredients Cleaning Class

July 22

Higher Self Meditation