The Strawberry Moon & The Summer Solstice Ceremony
The Strawberry Moon is about transforming ourselves and our community, we will come together with the energies of the Sun and the Moon. The Summer Solstice brings Summer in full swing, the sun is at the height of its power. Get ready for the shift in energy by stepping through the gateway of love and igniting your passions! We will honor our darkness and light. Together we will cultivate strength and determination to move in the direction of success and our goals.
Please arrive by 5:45 for 6pm departure from The Onset Bay Center. We will be shuttled via launch boat to Wickets Island where we will climb stairs and gather on the top of the island. The Ceremony will be at 6:30-9:00pm and then we will head back after.
Please bring a water, blanket or mat to sit on, and flashlight or headlamp. Please bring an instrument for the drum circle and dress in layers.
(Limited to 50 people) Tickets only available here: Wicket’s Island Strawberry Moon Ceremony