Energy Body Reset
Energy Body Reset
When we are doing work on all levels of existence it is important to have an understanding of the levels of energies we are intaking. As we clear on an energetic level we are opened up to our inner light guiding us from within. This light is healing through frequencies we are only starting to understand. The more we clear from within, the more that light radiates on the outside. This knowledge is comprehended through the feelings that deepen our inner knowing of who we truly are. As our bodies awaken to recalibrated levels of abilities to heal ourselves we awaken to the sacred alchemical knowledge of our divine blueprint. This sacred blueprint of our souls remembrance activates the waters within our source code template, activating our DNA to higher levels of awareness. These higher levels of awareness send frequencies healing other parts of us that require healing.
A creature in representation to this level of awareness is the octopus. This being has the ability to heal itself and grow back parts, regenerating its own being through the physical world. These abilities are part of the creature's natural abilities as the intelligence of this creature is comparable to the awoken DNA in our beings. It is important to be kind to yourself in this deep process of awakening, our body is going through. Treating yourself with love and care is essential for this growth as the human you are stepping into.
Staying grounded in a sacred space is very important at this time. Many others may not truly grasp the transition and deep awakening each one of us is going through. Staying around others who feel this deep remembering from within makes this process easier. It is important at this time to keep a strong aura of light around yourself and decode from all distractions and manipulations.
Seeing yourself in an egg of protection that is filled with plasma white and rainbow light creates a field around your being that is protected and held. Physically drawing this egg around yourself with a piece of selenite or other white crystal is recommended. Seeing yourself in this egg surrounded by sacred white light keeps your aura cleansed and your energies unaffected by others. Practicing this several times a day keeps others discordant energy from your energy and keeps you vitalized. I suggest pulling light into the chakras and starting from the crown deep within your energy bodies down to your root receiving this activation. Meditate on this and visualize the light going up and down each chakra, see and feel the colors and radiate them in alignment with each chakra.
I suggest this energy reset a few times a day to recalibrate and regulate your energy. Include the breath of fire with arms up and stretched out beside you for a cleansing on the physical level to deepen this connection with your energy work through the subtle bodies.
-Britt Rose