Letting Go of the False Idol Program

Since birth we have Identified with characters we have seen on movies or television. A piece of our energy holds an attachment to a program of what we believe these people to be.  This program is an Identity to the false matrix of symbolism and materialism.  We have been unknowingly contributing to a false matrix by identifying these people on a scale larger then ourselves. Holding them up on a pedestal, this disassociates us from the reality of our truth, taking on false beliefs and truths of the identity the Idol portrays.  It is important to reflect on how in our lifetime we have categorized these Idols.   We have categorized these Idols into specific belief systems.  As we reflect on these aspects we have given our power away to.  Being in the now and making peace with the version of our selves we we have identified with in association with false idols.  Letting go of this aspect we have been clinging to clears our energetic field making room for our truth to deepen into our being.  Releasing the false complex we have been grasping at to give us a sense of who we truly are.  Prayer Invocation: I Control Alt Delete all false Idol programs out of my Aura, Energetic Field and light body.  Cleansing Distortions and False realities. Resetting my being cleansing my Aura Light body and energetic field to align with my truth. I fully release others truths I have Identified with. Making room for new energies to activate the shield of truth aligning with creator source all that is.

-Britt Rose


Energy Body Reset